Magic underwear
Their magic underwear are worn under their real underwear. Picture a woman wearing a man's T-shirt and boxer briefs under her bra and panties, and that's the look. They even sew embroidered patches into their magic undies, adding even more mystical, magical gibberish to the mix.
Mitt and Ann Romney believes that wearing magic underwear protects them from evil.
God was once a man who lived on another planet
Truth is determined by feelings
Saving our dead ancestors shows we are the only Christian church, and the rest are all false
We will only read church approved materials
We need to convert the whole world to Mormonism
Since we have the name of Christ in our church - our church is the only true one
The fruits of Mormonism prove it is the true church
Since there are people who oppose our beliefs - our beliefs must be true
Other Mormon beliefs
Magic underwear of the Mormon religion, also known as Garments or simply G's. These Magic underwear give Mormons the power of flight, invisibility, x-ray vision and gardening. Don't ask a Mormon about his magic underwear or you will be attacked by an army of scary happy plastic robots.
Submitted by: otisgrant
Keywords: magic underwear ROMNEY
Views: 1,396